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Tensile strength  拉伸强度
Yield strength  屈服强度
Elongation  延伸率
Cyclic load  循环负载
Fatigue test  疲劳测试
Mechanical properties  机械性能
Static load 静态负载
Metallurgical  冶金
Heat affected zone  热影响区
Extrusion seams 挤压缝
Elastic limit 弹性极限
Base metal/material  母材
Dynamic  动态的
Stress  应力
Strain  应变
Defects of profile  型材缺陷
Shrinkage cavities  缩孔
Oxide layers  氧化层
Laminations  迭片
Oxides  氧化物
Extrusion weld seam defects  挤压焊接缺陷
Discontinuities  间断
Soundness of internal walls 内壁稳定性
Surface cracks 表面裂纹
Slight blemishes 轻微划伤
Notches  凹陷
Stratification  叠合
Extrusion stop-marks  模痕
Discoloration  变色
Non-uniform appearance  表面不均
Graphite marks  石墨痕迹
Surface anomaly  表面异常物
Roughness  粗糙度
Scratch  划伤
Pilot production batch  试生产批次
Dimensional control  尺寸控制
Chemical analysis  化学分析
Tensile test  拉伸测试
Bending test  折弯测试
Metallographic examination  金相检查
Soundness of extrusion seams 挤压缝良好性检查
Surface quality  表面质量
Spectrography  摄谱仪
Longitudinal lengthways  纵向的
Lengthwise, longways  long-wise
Horizontal 水平的
Internal wall  内壁
Brinell hardness  布氏硬度
Coarse grain   粗晶粒
Re-crystallation  再结晶
Fatigue testing  疲劳检测
Micrographic inspection  高倍检测
Macrographic inspection  低倍检测